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FACE Family Night

The SD132 FACE Department hosts Family Connection Events throughout the school year because research indicates that families being involved with their students' academic journey is a predictor of academic success. The Family Connection Event activities are designed to further enhance family bonding and nurturing to promote overall family wellbeing.

These events will take place throughout the school year, so please check your e-mail, text messages and here on the district website for those upcoming dates. 

We look forward to engaging you as we work together to promote student SUCCESS!

Thank you,

Ms. Washington

Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Manager

Next Event: Human Trafficking Awareness Parent Workshop II, Tuesday, November 19, 2024 6:00PM


October FACE Family Fitness Night

October was FACE Family Fitness with Cardio Drumming and Yoga. Be sure to join next month for participation points and your chance to win raffle prizes. See you there!

November FACE Community Human Trafficking Awareness